10 Ways To Make Happy Kid On Children’s Day

Happy Children's day

Children are tiny, cute, beautiful, pure, full of love and affection, energizers, and more. Anything I will say is less in front of our super awesome children. On this special occasion of children’s day as the occasion of children’s day 2022 is round the corner, I would like to write about all about our loving children. How can we make them happy and cheerful? So, stay tuned with me on this special occasion and shout out loud for our children: A delighted children’s day. May all your dreams, wishes, and desires come true is what we always want as parents to be. I want to discuss some of the magical and easy ways for parents to cheer and make happy kid on the special occasion of children’s day:

For Happy Kid – Love Is Magical


  • Love is one of the important ingredients of a parenting recipe.
  • I believe with love, and you can win any battle in the world.
  • Love is a powerful weapon to overcome any problems and issues our cute little children.
  • The problems that seem tough with anger and anxiety can be solved with love in seconds.

Show The Care You Feel For Them

Father baby

  • Children crave care.
  • Care for them caresses them, pamper them.
  • A small tap on their back or a gently rubbing of their head can feel them refreshed.
  • Show them real concern when they feel low. They really need support and love at that time.


A small Surprise For Happy Kid

Birthday gift ideas for kids

  • A cute, little tiny surprise can make your children’s day special.
  • Let them always know and make them feel ‘You are Special.’
  • Sometimes their favorite toy bought on the special occasion of children’s day can make their day.
  • Customized handmade stuff such as Photoframe
  • If your children are fond of animals, You can make a handmade aquarium.
  • For more personalized ideas for a surprise on the children’s day.

Happy Kid – Be patient!

Patience to deal with anxiety

  • Patience is the key to our cute little ones.
  • When we are patient, we listen and act!
  • Sometimes, our kids face lots of troubles that were not meant to happen due to parents’ impatience.


Listen On Children’s Day

Listen to your child

  • Before yelling or coming to any reaction, I always try to listen to my child before concluding.
  • As sometimes, we react before even knowing the correct tantrum behind it.
  • They are innocent souls; please respect their feelings and let them come out.


Praising Is Magical

Praise to deal with anxiety

  • Praising and encouraging words works wonder in any situation.
  • Every human being on this earth loves to be praised.
  • If we say Wow! you have done a fabulous job! Maybe they have not done it correctly. Sometimes this way of tackling will boost a child’s confidence to do it best, and they will find an alternative to reach the goal.
  • Always use quick positive one-liners to praise your kid, such as: Wow!, This is super! This is perfect! And so on.
  • Always boost them morally, which will make them strong and boost their willpower eventually.


Cherish Their childhood – Happy Kid

Stay Happy

  • This is the best part to celebrate and make them feel special on the occasion of children’s day.
  • They actually love to be children and really cherish it.
  • It’s your responsibility to make them feel childish and tiny.
  • You are the one whose love and care will make them feel their childhood perfectly.
  • Never discourage and make children negative about their childhood days.
  • And, they can have their full childhood journey with whole loads of golden memories down the lane.


Respect their emotions and feelings


  • Let the kids spell out their feelings.
  • Let them be free to express their feelings if they feel sad, happy, angry, or sad.
  • It is necessary to know their thoughts and feelings.
  • Let them know it’s ok not to feel ok sometimes. It’s completely normal.
  • Kids should have the freedom to express and address their feeling and emotions.


Hugs and kisses For Happy Kid

Mother Daughter

  • A gentle touch from parents can be magical to your kids.
  • When you cosleep with your children, they feel safe and secure.
  • Give a tight hug whenever they are worried or scared. It releases their Anxiety And Anger.
  • Hug them even if they are happy or excited. You can share your child’s happiness as well.
  • As you play a big role in their happiness.


9 Minute Pledge On Children’s Day

9 minutes image

On this occasion of national children’s day 2022, Take a Pledge on the special occasion of Children’s day For our little one to:

  • Spend the first 3 minutes when they wake up. They want to be loved and pampered. It is for most of the day. Like I always give a gentle hug when I wake my child up.
  • When they are back from school or elsewhere, don’t bombard with questions; instead, love them, hug them, and ask them gently can make them feel comfortable.
  • The last 3 minutes are bedtime. And, I personally try to work hard to make it as special as possible. It has a great impact on our children. A quick story, cosleeping, and gentle hand-holding can be a cute gesture that your child can love.


Happy Children’s Day 2022

Happy Children's day

When is children’s day in 2022? Childrens day 2022 is falls on

Sunday , 20 November


So, I wish all beautiful cute little tiny living beings on earth A Very Happy And Prosperous Children’s Day from the bottom of my heart.And many people refer to as childhood day. These Are The Top 10 Ways To Make Your Kids Happy On Children’s Day. Please let your kids enjoy themselves and have fun to the fullest. I would love to know if you would share your experience making your kids happy on this list. Happy Children’s Day!

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