All About Baby Vomiting Is It Normal Or Not?

Vomiting in baby

Babies usually tend to throw up after eating anything in their initial days of feeding. It is probably because the baby has not developed enough to intake and digest proper foods. This is one of the causes of worry for all mothers. Hence, it is essential to know if the vomiting is regular or needs immediate medical attention. It’s challenging for parents to distinguish between vomit and spitting. Babies get stressed when they vomit. It can be felt as baby cries and remain panic when it happens.

Normal Baby Vomiting:

normal vomiting
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  • In the early days after birth, many babies will vomit up mucous from their stomachs. This is mostly the leftovers of the amniotic fluid that a baby swallows in the womb. It mixes with mucous produced by the lining of the baby’s stomach.
  • Cause of a baby vomiting in the early weeks is due to some of the milk being brought up when your baby burps.
  • If your baby’s bringing up milk after a breastfeed or bottle, he may have reflux. Reflux happens because your baby’s esophagus or food pipe is still in its developing stage. As a result, the milk can sometimes pull back up after a feed and come out of your baby’s mouth. Reflux is usually no cause of worry for the parent. As your baby’s digestive system matures, the reflux usually stops.
  • Most babies who vomit frequently are happy, healthy, and put on weight. They will eventually grow out of this phase before turning one. When your baby is finally sitting up and spending more time in upright positions, as gravity will often help to keep things down.

Vomiting That Might Cause Due To Infections:

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A Little Bloody Vomit

The first few days after birth, it is likely for your baby to throw up small amounts of blood. But it is a cause of worry if it happens more than usual and continues for an extended period. Suppose the baby has grown out of the initial days. And he still has a bloody vomit, try to seek immediate medical attention.

Excessive Vomiting

If your baby is vomiting excessively and the vomit has a very offensive smell or if it consists of clear, bright yellow, orange, or greenish bile fluid and your baby seems unwell, you should seek medical attention. This generally happens if your baby is having an infection of any kind.


If your baby is lethargic and is refusing to be fed or rejecting all foods for more than a few hours, then your baby is showing signs of dehydration. Seek urgent medical advice if your baby shows any such alerts or has fewer wet nappies, a dry mouth, crying without tears, or breathes unusually fast.


If your baby gets an infection like a chest infection or urinary tract infection (UTI), he may generally be under the weather. Some babies experience symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea as their immune systems fight the disease.

Food Allergy and Food Poisoning

Suppose your baby has an allergy. He may start showing other symptoms such as diarrhea or swelling around his mouth, nose, or eyes. These symptoms usually begin to show within minutes of eating or drinking something that might be an allergen. Your baby might even show signs of food poisoning. It happens if your baby has bacteria in his food or feeds from an unsterilized bottle (if he’s being formula-fed).

Stomach Flu

This kind of vomiting was initiated due to stomach troubles. The most common reason for stomach flu is the virus affecting it. It is caused by Rotavirus and leads to watery loose motions in babies.

How To Deal With Your Baby’s Vomits- DOs And DON’Ts:

baby vomits
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  • Always Keep spare nappies, hand towels, and washers during and after feeds.
  • After feeding, handle your baby gently.
  • If your baby seems hungry again after being fed, offer them the breast also, or give them another 40 – 60ml of formula.
  • Always keep your baby hydrated.
  • Try to give foods that are easy on your baby’s stomach and in fewer amounts.
  • If your baby seems in pain, give him the doctor prescribed medication accordingly.
  • Always take special care while traveling with your babies.


  • Don’t give your baby a dose of his medicine again if he’s been sick for more than half an hour, and the drug didn’t seem to work, and avoid giving anti-nausea drugs unless prescribed.
  • Don’t change your formula or thicken as it will not prevent your baby from vomiting and instead cause more vomiting and unhealthy weight gains.
  • Avoid lifting your baby up and down quickly and jiggling him around after a feed.
  • Don’t change your baby’s feeding routine or pattern in an attempt to fix the vomiting.
  • The most important thing to do is to not panic about your baby’s vomits. Try to understand the causes and act accordingly to prevent any damage to your baby’s health!

When To  See Your Baby’s Doctor

  • Trust your intuition, parents. If you feel your baby is sick and you are not feeling optimistic. See the doctor asap.
  • Suppose your baby is 12 weeks or less than that. And it has a fever.
  • They are having excessive vomiting. The baby is throwing up everything consumes by him during the interval.
  • Got any injury on the head or nearby connected area in the last twenty-four hours and is vomiting.
  • The baby looks dehydrated. You can check if he is not urinating, Dry mouth, or passing dark yellowish urine and in significantly less amount. The baby has reduced wet diapers in a day.
  • With vomiting trouble, Baby’s body is recording high-grade fever.

Baby Vomit that occurs with these symptoms indicates that the baby needs immediate medical attention. So it’s better to seek help from your doctor. Also, it is essential to follow these DOs and DONTs appropriately to make sure that vomit isn’t badly affecting your baby’s health.

You might know that probiotics are essential for good digestion and boosting the immune function for adults, but can we use them for kids? So, let’s dive deeper to know more about probiotics!

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