Active Games to Boost the Brain and Body of Your Kid

Social stages of play

In today’s world, where smartphones are taking over palm by palm, keeping kids active and engaged is becoming more challenging. This is unfortunate because physical activity is crucial to children’s health and development. That’s why it’s essential to encourage kids to engage in active games that promote stimulation and development for both the brain and body.

This article will explore some active games your kid can play to stay active and healthy. These games are enjoyable and benefit your kid’s overall well-being. So let’s dive in and discover some active games to boost the brain and body of your kid.


Importance of Games For Growing Children

Games play a vital role in a child’s life, and it is not limited to mere entertainment. They are excellent sources of learning and development for kids, both physically and mentally. Children develop their cognitive, motor, and social skills from infancy. Playing games provides them with ample opportunities to enhance these skills. 

Playing games allows children to practice the known and the unknown. It will enable them to explore through trial and error and gain new confidence and skills. It’s easy to lose sight of the importance of playing games in today’s world. But, doctors and teachers believe that playtime should be considered serious learning. Kids develop critical thinking skills and abilities through play, including language learning. In addition, games are effective learning tools because of the combination of fun and challenge.

As for physical benefits, it’s pretty obvious. When children play games, it strengthens their immune systems, helps them maintain physical coordination, and increases overall strength. In addition, keeping children active helps them burn extra calories and keeps obesity risks at bay. So, playing any game or sport encourages a child’s healthy physical development. 


Mental Benefits

Positive parenting tips

From what we’ve seen, playing games and staying active have immense advantages for children. Let’s go over some of the benefits we’ve discussed and a few others,

  1. Self-Esteem
  2. Creativity
  3. Self-Independence
  4. Resilience
  5. Curiosity
  6. Social skills
  7. Confidence
  8. Leadership skills
  9. Decision Making
  10. Ability to Cope Well Under Pressure.


Physical Benefits

Benefits of playing sports for children

Let’s take a look at some physical benefits of playing games for children, 

  1. Strengthens Muscles And Bones
  2. Nourishes The Immune System
  3. Promotes Better Sleep Quality
  4. Encourages Appetite
  5. Increases Stamina And Boosts Energy Levels


Active Games to Boost the Brain and Body of Your Kid

Now that you know about the benefits of playing games for your growing children, we will discover some active games that boost their brains and bodies. 


1. GaGa Ball 

Played in an octagonal ball pit, the gaga ball is a popular active game to play where kids of all ages can have a blast. It’s played with a soft foam ball and combines dodging, hitting, running, and jumping while trying to hit opponents with the ball below the knees. It is a calmer version of dodgeball. Players must keep moving to avoid being hit by the ball. This high-intensity game engages children in energetic activity and keeps them stimulated. 


2. Exercise The ABCs – Active Games

“Make circles with your Ankle, Balance on your foot, Clap your hands, Dance” is an entertaining game to play with your kids using the ABCs. Not only do they learn some useful coordination, balancing, and creative skills, but they also learn the ABC’s!


3. Dance!


Not only is dancing so fun to do, but it also has great benefits for the body and the brain. Take a look at some amazing physical  benefits of dancing for young children,

  • Promotes healthy heart and lungs and maintains healthy blood pressure
  • Healthy improved overall balance
  • Enhanced muscular strength, aerobic fitness, and increased endurance
  • Better flexibility and agility
  • Improved coordination and spatial awareness

 Now for some dancing benefits for the brain,

  • Physical confidence is significantly improved
  • Improved Social skills
  • Promotes healthy general and psychological well-being 
  • Self-confidence, self-motivation, and self-esteem are increased
  • Improved dexterity.


4. Jigsaw Puzzles – Active Games


This time-tested brain exercise enhances problem-solving abilities, pattern identification, and attention to detail. Youngsters learn the value of time management and how to work together to complete a task. Get large puzzles for young kids and cartoon characters. You could also get custom puzzles made with your own family pictures, which will be even more fun!


5. Flying Kites

kite making

Flying kites can teach elements of Science, physics, aerodynamics, meteorology, and ecology to children. It also promotes the development of gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and kinesthetic awareness. Kids enjoy the difficulty and the rush of launching a kite in the sky, keeping it afloat then retrieving it back. 

Different colored kites can enhance the child’s visual coordination and help them learn different colors. 


 6. Playing Fetch 

fun dog facts for kids
Image Credit

If your family has a dog, letting your young children play fetch with them is an excellent way to boost their brains and body. Not only do they experience the thrill of throwing the ball for the dog to fetch it, but it also builds trust and strengthens the bond between your child and your dog, which is undoubtedly going to be one of the best friendships your children will ever form in their lives. 


7. Follow The Tape Road

Fun Road Trip Activities

Get some painter’s tape and tape along the floors to create a road or trail for your young one to follow with their ride-on bikes, cars, or toy cars. Let them stay inside the track lines and burn off the excess energy. It also helps them enhance their motor skills, and it’s just so much fun! 


8. One Word Stories

story games

Play this entertaining game with your toddler; give them one word and have them create a story out of it. This will enhance their creativity and refine their imaginative abilities. 

For example, give them a word like ice cream and a theme like an ocean. Then, ask them to create a story on the spot and go along with whatever comes to their heads. Of course, kids say the most fun and hilarious things, so get ready for a belly-clutching laughing session with your youngins!

9. Exploring Unconventional Hobbies

While most active games are focused on physical and mental growth, exploring unconventional hobbies can also help children develop new skills. For example, lock picking can be an intriguing and educational pastime. When venturing into this hobby, ensure your child is equipped with the appropriate tools by searching for a specific lock picking tool set. By providing the right resources, you can help your child stay engaged, active, and healthy while learning valuable skills


Things to Remember

When you’re playing these mentally and physically stimulating games with your children, keep these things in mind, 

  • Make sure they’re actively participating without you forcing them to. 
  • Make the experience fun and different each time so your children don’t get bored after the first time. Use various tools, techniques, or approaches every time to make each experience more enjoyable.
  • Try to incorporate activities that involve verbal recall and memory assessments. Also, include kinesthetic activities like moving, picking up objects, using pen and paper, etc., so your children get complete physical and mental stimulation.
  • Allow your children to give their ideas to make it more fun. Kids are way more fun and creative than adults, so let them add their ideas and make these games more entertaining. 


Active games can improve both the physical and cognitive development of children. Games involving coordination, balance, and problem-solving skills are particularly beneficial for the brain and body. Encouraging your child to engage in active play can have long-lasting positive effects on their health and well-being. By incorporating fun and challenging games into their daily routine, you can help them develop essential skills and enhance brain functions while also promoting better physical health.



Question and Answer

How Do I Play Games With My Six-Month-Old Baby?

Milestones of 6 month old baby

Ans: When you play games with your baby during the first few months, it begins to develop cognitive and motor skills. This is important because your kids will grow to become more intelligent, and help them explore their sensory skills. Games such as clapping, singing, reading books, peek-a-boo, bubble-making, tummy time, and doing sit-ups are a few fun games and exercises for babies who are six months old. Playing games and connecting with your infant no matter what you do promotes their development.

You could even introduce them to non-toxic playdough, so they can squish and squeeze soft and lumpy clay while building hand-eye coordination and developing hand and arm muscles. 


What Are The Benefits of Playing Video Games With Your Children?

Video games

Ans: We know you probably rolled your eyes upon reading the question, but if you didn’t know already, playing video games with your children can have several very useful benefits. Let’s take a look at what they are, 

  • Video games can inspire your children’s interest and curiosity about history and culture.
  • It can help refine and improve their interpersonal and social skills.
  • It can inspire leadership qualities in children and allow them to be more independent.  
  • It can inspire children to become more creative and hone their artistic abilities. 
  • It makes for an excellent bonding time between children and their parents when playing together. 

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