Know About Probiotics For Your Kid’s Health

Probiotics Kids

You might know that probiotics are essential for good digestion and boosting the immune function for adults, but can we use them for kids? So, let’s dive deeper to know more about probiotics!

What Do They Do?

Good bacteria is another name for probiotics. The main job of probiotics is to keep your body in proper balance and a neutral position. You get sick when harmful bacteria enter your body and increases in numbers. And you start feeling better when good bacteria fight the imbalance and restore the balance in your body. Therefore, probiotics replace the good bacteria in your body when you start losing them, making it one of the many ways they keep you fit.

Types Of Probiotics

  • Lactobacillus: It is the most common probiotic, mainly found in yogurt and other fermented foods.
  • Bifidobacterium: It lives in your stomach. Furthermore, it is also present in dairy products.

Why Are Probiotic Important For kids?

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Probiotic play a massive role in keeping their body healthy. They help by giving the immune system a boost and prohibiting the growth of harmful gut bacteria. Also, some probiotics have been shown to promote the production of natural antibodies in the body. They boost immune cells, like natural killer cells in your body.

When the gut loses balance in the kid’s body, the probiotics help restore the balance. Thus, maintaining a balance of both good versus harmful bacteria is essential because more beneficial bacteria are less likely to suffer from any disease.

Here are some extra functions of probiotics:

  • It helps your body in digesting food.
  • Keeps terrible bacteria from getting out of control, which doesn’t let you fall sick.
  • Create vitamins in your body.

Pros And Cons Of Giving Probiotics To Your Kids

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Some parents give probiotic foods to their kids, hoping that it will make them healthier or more potent, but they don’t always work the same for children. People use them to regulate their digestive systems.

Many dieticians encourage the use of probiotics because it helps in “cleaning out” the body. It is why most companies claim that they help you lose weight, increase energy level, support the immune system, and improve digestive health.

They are accommodating for diarrhea or constipation, which are common in kids. Antibiotics can cause stomach pain, constipation, or diarrhea. Probiotic relieve your child from all those side effects. But, not all probiotics are effective while taking antibiotics. Thus, take the advice of your child’s doctor about which one is best for your child.


  • Treating certain stomach infections.
  • Ease diarrhea symptoms.
  • Preventing and treating yeast infections.


  • Sometimes cause your child unpleasant digestive symptoms.
  • Probiotic isn’t for children who are chronically ill.
  • Some ingredients may cause adverse reactions sometimes.

When Should You Start Giving Probiotics To Kids?

As a parent keeping your child healthy is a top priority, and probiotics play an essential role in supporting their immune system. So, kids of all ages may benefit from a diet, including probiotics in it. Food containing probiotic are given to children worldwide. Furthermore, giving probiotics to kids in the form of foods like yogurt is a fun way because many kids love it.

In most cases, probiotics are given to children from their birth. But, children who breastfeed don’t need probiotics. They also don’t recommend cow’s milk for children who are less than 12 months. But, yogurt containing cow’s milk can be given between 4 to 8 months old child.

Sources Of Probiotic For Your Kids

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Some foods contain probiotics in a reasonable amount, like yogurt, nutrition bars, fruit drinks, etc. They’re all safe for young kids. But, some foods do not contain enough of them. As your kids grow up, their taste for new food develops. So, at that time, you can experiment with some more probiotic and prebiotic foods. Eating fermented foods with live probiotics can also make your brainpower.

Yes, it is true. They don’t just improve your gut health, but they also enhance your brain indirectly. In some cases, you can also give them supplements that have decent amounts of probiotic in them. They help them in curing many other problems. They come in all forms, shapes, and sizes.

  • Chewable tablets
  • Flavored drops

There are many sources of food for probiotics. The following are a few of them:

  • Yogurt
  • Peas
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Buttermilk
  • Apple
  • Flaxseed
  • Bananas
  • Onions


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For children, it’s generally better to have probiotics through foods instead of supplements, unless your pediatrician recommends it. Please consult your child’s doctor before giving any probiotic to them, because they will guide you and advise you on how and when to take it. A conversation with them must be a priority when it comes to your kid’s health. So, these were the advantages and disadvantages of probiotics for your kids.

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