Top 6 Traditional Remedies To Increase Breast Milk Supply!

Breast milk

What Is Nursing Your Newborn? Breastfeeding your infant is the best feeling in the world for a mother. Breastfeeding is the natural process that nourishes your infant with the help of breast milk.

The method of breastfeeding is commonly known as Nursing, your newborn baby. It is advised by our elders and health care professionals to do exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, at least.

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Time To Check If Infant Remains Empty Stomach

The primary signs and symptoms that we can observe in our infants are as follows:

Challenges faced By New Moms Regarding Milk Supply

The biggest challenge faced by most new mothers is the concern about the low supply of breast milk.

Whether they are producing enough milk? Is there a baby who remains hungry after feeding?

Have you ever found yourself thinking if you seek other ways of satiating your baby’s hunger or enhancing lactation instead?

It’s a longtime fact that breastfeeding isn’t only good for the infant, but it’s also highly beneficial for the mother. The mother can have a check if the infant remains full for 2-3 hours between feeds.

The infant’s weight criteria are matching the milestones of growth and development. Meanwhile, Stay Tuned with Tinydale for the Baby’s Development And Milestones:

Therefore, we recommend you undertake traditional remedies to increase your breast milk supply naturally.

Common Reasons For Insufficient Breastmilk Supply

The following are the common reasons which  affect lactation:

  • If you’ve got had breast surgery. you are taking medication that hampers the milk supply.
  • Breastfeeding is not regular.
  • You got late in starting breastfeeding.
  • New moms have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, obesity, or hypothyroidism.
  • An infant born is premature.
  • The new mother is under stress due to some reason, or she feels anxious at times. Postpartum depression is a significant reason for insufficient milk supply.

These are some of the common reasons among new moms which lead to low milk production. Some of the natural ayurvedic ingredients that can boost your breast milk supply are as follows:

1. Fennel Seeds 

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Fennel Seeds help in boosting the milk supply. It’s phytoestrogens, almost like estrogen, which may be a hormone that also helps in producing more milk.

You can use fennel seeds to form tea by infusing them in a predicament for a couple of minutes. You can prepare a warm tea with fennel seeds.

Make sure to consume in a limited quantity. If you’re not very captivated with tea, you’ll chew a spoonful of Add-roasted seeds a couple of times during the day.

New mothers can accommodate fennel in their diet in the following forms:

  • Herbs
  • spices
  • Tea
  • Vegetables in the green form
  • Capsules or tablets
  • Supplements
  • Mouth-freshener.

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2. Torbagun Leaf To Increase Breast Milk Supply

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Torbagun Leaf comes from a plant scientifically known as Coleus amboinicus Lour. This is an excellent herb for boosting milk supply.

These leaves are used for the last 100 years as a natural remedy. It has shown promising results for women struggling with low milk production. You can use it as you like. The popular ones are:

  • Herbal tea is made of begun leaves. You can boil the leaves in water and serve them warm for better results.
  • Soup is another popular preparation. You can add vegetables with these leaves to make them healthy, tasty, and nutritious.

3. Fenugreek Seeds 

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Fenugreek seeds are among the most straightforward herbs for breastfeeding mothers to extend milk production. It also contains diosgenin and phytoestrogen.

It is the most ancient and traditional remedy preferred. The new mom can notice an unexpected change in the flow of breast milk in a short duration of time.

So, this remedy is a quick remedy that works faster. You may take a teaspoon filled with fenugreek seeds and boil them in water. Strain the seeds.

Drink this tea a minimum of two to 3 times each day. Some popular forms in which fenugreek can be consumed:

  • Making a warm tea out of warm boiling water.
  • It can be taken as a supplement in the form of tablets.
  • The powder form is another easy way to consume.
  • It is a major spice in daal and vegetables in a small amount.
  • You can add roasted fenugreek seed to salads of vegetables and fruits.

4. Shatavari To Increase Breast Milk Supply

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New mothers Like to use this as a natural remedy. Shatavari contains galactagogue properties that help raise the secretion of prolactin and corticoids, which help produce breast milk.

It thickens the breastmilk and makes it more healthy for your infant.

This herb helps in balancing the estrogen hormone. And, Also helps in regulating our menstrual cycle. Shatavari can be consumed as:

  • Powder
  • Liquid form
  • Tablet

5. Cinnamon

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Cinnamon is a fragrant herb. It adds taste and flavor to any prepared dish. Apart from these fantastic properties, cinnamon helps boost supply simultaneously.

It is also consumed by new moms to postpone their menstrual cycle. Add a pinch of cinnamon and mix it. Taking this remedy regularly will have a tremendous change in your milk flow.

6. Cumin Seeds To Increase Breast Milk Supply

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Cumin seeds are involved in cooking. This fragrant seed is an efficient remedy for curing low breast milk supply in nursing mothers. Cumin is rich in iron.

Dry roast and powdered cumin are taken with warm milk or water. You can add cumin as a spice. Popular forms take cumin as a spice in curry, daal, or vegetable preparation. These seeds are rich in iron. For new moms, it works wonders.

Precautions Taken Into Consideration Before Using Natural Ayurvedic Remedies

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  •  Consult your lactation consultant before starting any Ayurvedic remedy.
  • Take an appointment with your gynecologist to cross-check and know whether it is safe for you as a person. Your doctor knows better.
  • Consume in a limited amount as suggested by your health care professional. as it may cause toxicity and gastrointestinal issues.
  • Please make sure for how long you can take a particular herb and in what amount.
  • If you are pregnant again, Don’t dare to take it before the consultation as it may lead to severe complications for your fetus.
  • Make sure the herb or a natural remedy you are planning to take is safe for you as many people are allergic to some herbs.


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Reach out to us via our email if you want to share your story on our platform. So, this is all about breastfeeding and how to increase breastmilk supply with natural ingredients.

Please follow all the precautions. And, Doctors’ advice is always mandatory. Happy Motherhood!

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