Whole Food Smoothies Menu With 5 Benefits

Whole Food Smoothies Menu

In this blog, we will try to figure out about whole food smoothies menu ingredients, types, and benefits.

Smoothies are emerging as the trending food among fitness enthusiasts.

Smoothies are easy to prepare and can bring the taste you prefer and can make in a different styles. They are also available in a pack or bottle in nearby groceries.

Smoothies got special attention as they are made with whole foods. Here you will get a whole food smoothies menu to select the best for you.

Before that knowing something about smoothies and their ingredients helps you to pick your favorite.


What Are Smoothies?

Smoothies are thick, creamy beverages made from fruits and vegetables blended with juices, yogurt, nuts, seeds, and milk.

Different types of smoothies can make from different blending, but two basic essential ingredients used in smoothies are base and liquid.

Here fruits and vegetables are the common base and water, juice, and milk are the liquids used in a blend.

Healthy smoothies are made with whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yogurt.


Whole Food Smoothies Common Ingredients

Fruits And Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are the two main bases used in smoothies. Fruits and vegetables like berries, bananas, apples, mango, pineapple, kale, spinach, wheatgrass, avocado, cucumber, and carrots are the common base in smoothies.

Nuts and seeds: nuts and seeds can also be used as the base or used in mixing with fruits and vegetables. Common nuts and seeds are almond butter, walnut, hemp seeds, peanut, and chia seeds.

Liquid: liquid is another main ingredient next to the base. The liquids used in smoothies are

  • water
  • fruit juice
  • milk
  • coconut water
  • vegetable juice
  • cold tea
  • coffee.

Other than these, spices and herbs that can also add to smoothies are ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, parsley, and basil.

Herbal supplements are a great addition to your smoothie. Extracts from organic and real mushrooms, ginger, cinnamon, parsley, basil, mint, and more, will boost the nutritional content of your smoothie preparation. Mushrooms, for example, have a rich earthy flavor and are excellent to blend with fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Others prefer green smoothies to achieve a refreshing and minty flavor. Mixing and matching herbal ingredients into smoothies will crossover between the three types below.

Based on the needs of the people protein source foods and herbal supplements can also mix the smoothies blend.


Types Of Smoothies

Although ingredients used in the smoothies are the same with little difference, smoothies can be classified into three categories as follows.

Fruit Smoothies: Fruit smoothies are made by blending one or more fruits with fruit juice, milk, water, or ice cream.

Green Smoothies: Green smoothies blend fruits and green leafy vegetables with liquid water, juice, or milk. Green leafy vegetables are heavy feeders in nature and you can add fruit for sweetness.

Protein Smoothies: Protein smoothies have a liquid along with a protein source mix such as cheese, yogurt, and protein powder blended with fruit or vegetable.


Top 5 Benefits Of Whole Food Smoothies

There are a lot of benefits of smoothies irrespective of the time it consumes. It can take as a quick breakfast, evening snack, or post-workout shake.

  1. Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake:  smoothies are a simple and easiest way to add fruit and vegetable intake. They are rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins and have a lot of health benefits.
  2. Add Fiber To Diet: Fruits and vegetables are a rich source of fiber, increasing fiber intake. Fibers are good for digestion, improves gut health, regulate blood sugar, and lower cholesterol level.
  3. Can Modifiable For Personal Needs: Smoothies ingredients are numerous and you can make any type of smoothies as you like. You can drink smoothies in addition to your meal or replace your meal with your favorite smoothies.
  4. Quick Made & Convenient: Blending the smoothies can do in a matter of minutes, they can make quickly with easily available ingredients.
  5. Kid-Support: You can make your kid consume enough fruits and vegetables with these nutrition-packed smoothies.


How Do Whole Food Smoothies Help In Weight Loss?

Smoothies can use for weight loss goals. It is the words of the marketers. Research also suggests that it will be effective in weight loss if you consume lower calories.

If you consume smoothies with low in calories, and high in protein and fiber, it makes you feel full. If your ingredients are whole fruits and vegetables, nuts, and low or no sugar, then it is the perfect ingredient for weight loss.

It cannot say in strongly that smoothies are a good option for weight loss. An individual weight loss goal depends on many factors such as

  • age
  • genetics
  • medical history
  • activity level
  • lifestyle
  • Smoothies with proper ingredients can help some people in reducing weight.


Healthy Whole Food Smoothies Recipes

Ginger Green Smoothie

Ingredients Required

  • Fresh baby spinach 2 cups
  • 1 large banana, slice into pieces and frozen
  • Roughly chopped fresh ginger 1 tablespoon
  • Almond butter 2 tablespoons
  • A piece of a small avocado
  • Unsweetened almond milk 4 -6 ounces
  • Low-fat vanilla yogurt

You can make 20 ounces of smoothie with these ingredients. Making this smoothie is easy just add all ingredients to the mixer and mix it until smooth. You can add almond milk to reduce the thickness.


Whole Food Smoothies Menu

  1. Tropical berry beet smoothie
  2. Green kiwi smoothie
  3. Orange creamsicle smoothie
  4. Banana and coconut cream pie smoothie
  5. Pecan pie smoothie
  6. Pumpkin pie smoothie
  7. Honeydew lime smoothie
  8. Pineapple Plum Smoothie
  9. Apple pie smoothie
  10. Strawberry kale smoothie

There are numerous whole food smoothies available with different ingredients, style, and taste to serve different types of people. Choose your smoothies and replace one or a few meals with nutritious smoothies.


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