Do you Know What Are Foods To Avoid While Taking Letrozole?

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Foods to avoid while taking letrozole – Don’t panic about what to eat when you are prescribed Letrozole. Are you panicking about what foods to take or what foods to avoid while taking letrozole? Don’t worry here you will get some idea what foods to avoid while taking letrozole. Let us see what doctors and other medical experts are saying about this. Simply, it is said no food restrictions are there while you are under the letrozole prescription. Medical experts are saying that there are no interactions between letrozole and the foods that you eat. But it is necessary to avoid certain foods to not worsen the side effects of the letrozole. For example, as a result of taking this drug, you might have nausea or hot flashes, to avoid such a situation avoiding spicy foods are better.

What is letrozole?

Letrozole is an oral medication also used under the trade name Femara. It is commonly prescribed for women who underwent breast cancer treatment. Under this medication, the conversion of androgen to estrogen gets prevented and the production of estrogen gets reduced.

Letrozole for fertility

Foods to avoid while taking letrozole for fertility? Women struggling to get pregnant due to infertility are prescribing letrozole as a fertility treatment. It helps by inducing ovulation in women who are not ovulating. It helps the women to get conceive.

Letrozole for PCOS

Letrozole is also given as a treatment for women with polycystic ovary syndrome. PCOS is a medical condition where women ovulate irregularly or do not ovulate at all. Women with PCOS will also have enlarged ovaries containing a small collection of fluid called follicles.

Letrozole in women with PCOS increases the FSH hormone which pays the way for the development of mature follicles in the ovary and results in ovulation. It increases the number of follicles to many in women with regular ovulation and helps in releasing multiple eggs. Stimulating ovulation of multiple follicles and eggs is referred to as superovulation or controlled ovarian hyperstimulation.

Letrozole for ovulation

Letrozole is a non-steroidal and selective oral aromatase inhibitor.  It prevents the conversion of testosterone to estradiol and androstenedione to estrone. This reduced estrogen production increases the secretion of pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone FSH and it helps in inducing ovulation. Patients with ovulation difficulty are prescribed letrozole.

Letrozole side effects

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There are many side effects of letrozole. Drugs cannot separate from their side effects, like any other drugs letrozole also cause side effects. What are the side effects then?

Some of the common side effects;

  1. Dizziness
  2. Mood swings, depression, and anxiety
  3. Difficulty sleeping
  4. Tiredness and feeling sleepy
  5. Hot flashes
  6. Diminished and blurred vision
  7. Abnormal menstrual bleeding
  8. Pain in the breast
  9. It can cause headaches, nausea, and vomiting
  10. It affects your appetite
  11. You might have constipation or diarrhea
  12. It may cause bloating or abdominal discomfort
  13. And other rare side effects include itching, rashes, swelling of the face, throat, or neck, and trouble breathing.

Any drugs for better results follow the instructions given by the doctor while going under medication. To avoid the increased impact of side effects avoiding food that increases the side effects are essential. For instance, avoid drinking coffee in the afternoon and evening if you found difficult in sleeping and avoid oily and spicy foods to escape from diarrhea and vomiting. Other than that, no doctors are listing any foods to avoid while taking letrozole oral medication.

Also Read: Ozempic Foods To Avoid – Side Effects Of Ozempic

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The article written by me is for information purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice. The reader should always consult a Medical practitioner concerning any medical condition.

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