Implantation Bleeding Signs | Implantation bleeding calculator

what is implantation bleeding

Implantation bleeding is bleeding that happens just before your period. It is one of the surest signs of early pregnancy.

The implantation process occurs around a week after ovulation and almost a week before your expected menstrual period. This type of bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining of the uterus.

Sometimes, as the embryo attaches, it causes a little bleeding. Normally, Light spotting or bleeding occurs about 10-14 days after conception. Cramps accompany it, and spots are of darker blood in color than the normal period blood.


Appearance and Look Of Implantation Bleeding

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The implantation bleeding looks like light bleeding. When you wipe or a mild spotting in the panty, which you sometimes can’t feel, this bleeding can be supported with a panty liner or a normal tissue.

The shade of the color depends on the time taken to escape from your body. It can be reddish if it is fresh blood. Pinkish if it is mixed with other discharge.

It can be brownish if it is an older discharge, which is escaping now. In case, you experience heavy bleeding or clotting; it is always better to consult your gynecologist immediately.


Signs Indicating Implantation Bleeding

How do I know if it’s implantation bleeding? Here is the guide and the signs indicating:

  • The blood may be pinkish or darker in color, scanty, and lighter than the period bleeding.
  • The bleeding may be on and off and last from a few hours to two days.
  • Mild cramps, especially in the lower abdomen and back.
  • No blood clots or tissue in the blood, making it easy to distinguish it from normal period bleeding.
  • Changes in the texture of cervical mucus discharge.
  • The urge to urinate can also increase during the phase of implantation.

And other normal symptoms of pregnancy like nausea, headache, mood swings, bloating, food aversion, etc. You can even try the implantation bleeding calculator available online.


Very Early Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy

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The implantation process and bleeding differ from pregnancy to pregnancy and even on the cycle length and ovulation date. No two people can relate to it. Better to follow your body’s signs and symptoms.

Apart from the Implantation process and bleeding. You can experience various early signs and symptoms once implantation takes place in the body on the implantation date. The sensitivity of signs and symptoms varies from body to body.


Difference between Implantation Bleeding, Menstrual Bleeding, and Ovulation Spotting

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  • Implantation Bleeding: It occurs as light spotting and is more likely to be pink-brown or darker in color. The mild cramps during this kind of bleeding don’t last long. It is more like an on and off spot, so it doesn’t last for more than 2 days. It doesn’t produce a mix of blood and tissue, so clotting in the blood doesn’t occur.
  • Period Bleeding: It sometimes starts as brownish or pink, but it eventually turns into crimson red. The cramps can sometimes be mild and sometimes cause unbearable pain. Period bleeding lasts for 4-7 days and takes place according to your menstrual cycle. Clotting is also common in period bleeding, which doesn’t happen in the case of implantation bleeding.
  • Ovulation Spotting: The ovulation date is different for every woman as do the cycle length. It may occur due to rapid hormonal changes that take place during ovulation. Ovulation bleeding happens around the time that your body releases an egg. Generally, for many women, it comes around 14 days of their cycle. Women experiencing ovulation spotting or bleeding have higher luteal progesterone levels and luteinizing hormone (LH) around ovulation. It causes dull pain on one side of the abdomen. Ovulation spotting occurs mid-cycle, unlike implantation spotting, which happens a few days before your next expected period. Can you predict your ovulation date?


Implantation Bleeding Is Normal

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It is completely normal if it happens to you. It is a positive sign that you have conceived, and there is good news coming your way. One of the surest signs of pregnancy is implantation bleeding for accurate results.

When the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, implantation occurs. Some women don’t experience implantation bleeding which is again completely normal as well.

In their case, Implantation occurs for sure, but there is no bleeding. How do you think you can predict your implantation date? And you can confirm your pregnancy with a positive pregnancy test for accurate results.

Quick Question And Answers On Implantation Bleeding

How many days do you bleed during implantation?

Implantation spotting only lasts from a few hours to a couple of days in most cases.

Can I test positive if I have implantation bleeding?

Yes, for sure but home pregnancy tests are proven to show past one day after a missed period.

How does an implantation feel?

Generally, women who have felt implantation say it is the feeling kind of prickling, pulling or tingling.

What should you not do during implantation?

It is advised to avoid activities such as strenuous physical activities like heavy weight-lifting or high-impact cardio.

What’s next after implantation bleeding?

If the implantation is done for sure you will experience mild cramping or spotting or otherwise if not your period will be scheduled as usual.

Can I test negative after implantation bleeding?

Yes, there is a possibility of testing negative after implantation bleeding if you test too early before the HCG levels have started to increase.

How long after implantation Are you positive?

Trace levels of hCG can be detected as early as eight days after ovulation.

How many days after implantation is a positive test?

If pregnant, a urine pregnancy test is not expected to be positive until 3-4 days after the implantation (at the very earliest) is done, which is about 10 days after ovulation/fertilization and also 4 days before the next period. Source

How long do implantation cramps last?

The cramps lasting may depend from person to person but generally, they will not last longer than a few days.

Where do implantation hurt?

Generally you can feel the process in the ower back, lower abdomen, or even the pelvic area.

How do I know if its implantation pain?

It is comparatively lighter than the menstrual cramps and is experienced about 4 to 8 days before your period is due (about 6 to 10 days after ovulation).

What makes a successful implantation?

The uterus must be the right thickness to receive the embryo for successful implantation.

Should you rest around implantation?

It is advised to avoid hard physical activities but for sure you don’t have to go for bed rest if it is advised by your doctor.

Time To See Your Gynecologist

Normally, Implantation bleeding is a normal process that happens during the process of conception. It is the light bleeding that happens for a few days. There is no need to panic. It is a positive sign of conception.

If women experience heavy bleeding around the time of implantation, it is surely a matter of concern. It requires medical attention immediately. It can sign serious complications such as ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy loss if accompanied by blood clots.


Precautions to Take at the Time of Implantation Bleeding

  • The most important thing to take care of is your hydration. Women must stay hydrated during the bleeding phase.
  • Consume food that is high in nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids prevent hard contractions of the uterus, causing less pain.
  • Stay positive and calm in a relaxed environment and avoid stress.
  • Consult the doctor if the bleeding is heavy and lasts longer than two days, even when there are no signs of period bleeding.
  • Take a pregnancy test to confirm that it’s implantation bleeding.
  • Try to avoid heavy workouts or exercise during bleeding.
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Implantation bleeding is just a normal sign of early pregnancy. It is pretty much harmless. A positive pregnancy test is a sure yes to all your answers. And the changes in pregnancy hormone(human chorionic gonadotropin) lead to mood swings in the early weeks of pregnancy. But heavy bleeding can be a cause of worry. If any unusual symptom shows, consult your doctor and seek immediate medical help.

Also Read: All You Need To Know About Ovulation Bleeding!

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