9 Easy Ways To Teach Plants Lesson Plans

To introduce plants to children

Plants are one of the most charming and beautiful living beings on earth. Children fantasize and imagine the process of a plant growing. Kids are inquisitive to know about plants in the early years of their life. What are the plants? How do they grow? What is the food of the plant? Why does a plant needs sun? and so on endless questions strike their mind. We are here to learn about plants lesson plans.

1. Visits To The Garden For Plants – Plants Lesson Plans

The best way is the real visit to the garden. I believe it works best with small children. I took my kids to a beautiful plant nursery to let them have a closer look at plants and their growth. You can always take your kids to the gardens, parks, or maybe in your backyard or balcony. In this way, They will gradually become familiar with plants and their parts.

2. Our Farmers-The Real Heroes

They have heard about unsung real heroes ‘Our Farmer.’I thought to let them meet and discuss what it feels to have a real love and passion for another guild, plant, seeds, and food. In this way, our children learned many values simultaneously. The best part was we should not waste food. We should respect food. And, On a plate, we should only take the amount we can eat. Our kids came to know about the hard work and sacrifice our farmers make to avail food for us.

Here, I tried to introduce plants’ topics to my preschoolers and kindergartner with this lovely rhyme. The farmer plants the seeds …..Hi, Ho, the dairy-o, The farmer plants the seeds:

3. Seeds For Plants – Plants Lesson Plans

seeds for plants

How a plant grows? This is the first step our children can relate to as they are familiar with the farmer. The farmer plants the seeds in the soil. They have to wait to see a beautiful change in some time. When we are singing, we can always do it with actions and dance. Here, I let my kids do the farmer’s pretend action to put seeds inside the soil.

4. Sun Shines

Sun shines

Mr. Sun is one of the best friends of the plants in the growing process. In this way, the kids can feel the importance of the sun in life. They realized they need the sun to grow; a source of vitamin D is the sun. Here, with the kids, we did some actions of making a circle with our fingers’ help. We use props of the sun. Or, children can form a circle holding hands to form a big circle.

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5. The Rain Fall


Here, Children came to know about the weather. We make them familiar with the weather conditions. They can sing some beautiful weather songs for a clear understanding of the weather. I love to recite How is the weather today song with my kids. I will share the video with you all. As soon as the rainy season comes, The rain begins to fall. We did the action with our fluttering hands. We can use pretend rain and can use umbrellas to have a real feel of the weather.

6. The Plants Begin To Grow – Plants Lesson Plans

Plants grow

Gradually, With all these efforts. In some time, we will observe a very green and vibrant plant begin to grow. For this, we can make children sit and bend; As soon as they sing, they begin to stand and grow like a plant. With this, they will have an understanding of the growth stage.

7. The Flower Smiles

Flowers At plants

And finally, beautiful colorful flowers pop out. They love to see this outcome process. Make this ending session beautiful with actions and props. I made some flower masks to be worn by the children to act like beautiful flowers. Kids can count the number of flowers in one plant.

9. Children Love To See Plants

Plants grow process

With this beautiful rhyme, props, objects, and real visits, children will understand the plant’s process. How beautifully plant grows with the sun’s help, rain, and all the farmer’s hard work. In this context, children will learn new vocabulary doing phonics related to the plants and the process. They learn the values of the farmer. This will have a positive impact on love towards food. And, We should not waste food and crops. I hope you all enjoyed reading this plant learning with us. Please feel free to share your ideas on this in the comment box below. Till then, Keep Exploring!

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