5 common Pregnancy Pain and causes

Common pains during pregnancy - tinydale

I’m pregnant and my stomach hurts…I have an uncomfortable pregnancy. I am experiencing Cramping in early pregnancy and having upper back pains during pregnancy. These are the very common questions asked by pregnant women during pregnancy. During pregnancy women’s body goes through innumerable changes. And basically, all the changes are triggered by hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy. This causes imbalance and causes uncomfortable pregnancy due to pains. Here we are at tinydale to list out the top 5 common pregnancy pain and their causes:

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1. Backache during pregnancy

Having upper back pains during pregnancy and lower back pain is common. The lower back pain happens as you carry the weight of the growing fetus creating strain on your lower back. Another reason could be as the weight of women increases during pregnancy, her balance changes and the center of gravity is pulling forward which leads to causes strain on her back.

Tips can improve back troubles:

  • Proper lifting techniques
  • Proper posture throughout pregnancy.

2. Gas pains during pregnancy

Due to pregnancy hormones or vitamin and mineral supplements such as iron supplements, iron supplements prove to be intolerable, causing gas and painful bloating in pregnant women.

Some of the common causes of gastric troubles during pregnancy:

  • Hormonal Fluctuations
  • Weight changes
  • Uterus expansion
  • Consuming gassy foods
  • Eating spicy and junk food
  • Improper sleeping positions
  • Sedentary Lifestyle.

You can even Check Out the Top 10 Home Remedies to relieve Gas during Pregnancy.

3. Headache during pregnancy

Some of the common causes of head pain during pregnancy are:

  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Hunger raise
  • Fatigue
  • Caffeine withdrawal or limitation.

Natural Tips to help ease headaches during pregnancy:

  • Proper nutrition
  • Stay hydrated
  • Taking proper rest
  • Sound sleep
  • Stressfree life!

4. Leg pains during pregnancy

Leg cramps are caused by:

  • fatigue
  • Uterus pressing on certain nerves
  • Decreased blood circulation in the legs caused due to the pressure of the baby on blood vessels.

5. Lower abdominal cramps

As the fetus grows it leads to the growth of the uterus. When this happens the ligaments nearby are stretched and pulled. This leads to sharp pains on the right or left side of the belly. Women even experience round ligament pain. Even stomach pain during pregnancy 2nd trimester is common pain during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Is Beautiful!

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in every women’s life. But for sure it comes with some common pains during pregnancy. But believe me, you will definitely overcome it and will be blessed with a beautiful baby. Wish you a very happy and healthy pregnancy!

Make sure to always call your doctor if the pain is unbearable or even if it creates mental stress and uneasiness. It is always advised to take the help of your gynecologist if you are troubled by any tiny things. And don’t take any medications without the consent of your doctor.

You might to interested to know which fruits to eat during pregnancy:

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